Reticle Inc


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reticle carbon applications

water purification treatment
metal recovery production
structural materials
structural materials

Organics Removal

A goodly bit of polluted water worldwide is actually polluted with dissolved organic materials, organic chemicals, or viruses or biological organisms. Organic chemicals are often demonstrably carcinogenic or feared to be carcinogenic. (Fear of carcinogenicity is just as real as actual carcinogenicity. Government agencies force removal based on the slightest hint. Health officials and politicians believe that ALL organics are potentially carcinogenic, and there is zero tolerance for any organics-based pollution.) Make no mistake, governments are not going to tolerate organics above the ability to measure them at all! The better the measurement technique, the more strict the regulation will be. One can count on this to be true today and increasingly true into the future. If they can measure it, it will not be allowed. Environmental regulation increases one for one with the ability of chemical instruments to measure trace mineral content. The more that can be measured, the more that will be regulated and banned.

Organics can be removed by mineralizing or oxidizing the entrained organics. For example, ion exchange resins have been the most common means in practice today to mineralize and deionize water. Ion exchange resins are expensive, specialty chemicals, and their use imposes a high cost on the ultimate water they purify. In addition, they foul and deteriorate in the presence of certain ions such as calcium. Reticle Carbon CDI promises to be much better.

A related approach has involved the direct oxidation of organics dissolved in the water, sometimes in very dilute quantities, using large quantities of hydrogen peroxide, sodium hypochlorite (chlorine bleach), or equivalent oxidizing agents. Use of such agents has proven to be expensive and potentially hazardous in its own right. There are more exotic oxidation procedures including mechanical methods (e.g., Vortex) and chemical methods using such exotic elements as cerium +4 ions. There is no shortage of methods to oxidize entrained organics, and work is continuing at a frenzied pace on this problem. Reticle Carbon CDI adds significant value to that work (allowing them to remove the remnants of organic mineralization), and conversely their work adds value to Reticle Carbon (creating a market for Reticle Carbon to remove remnants of organic mineralization and therefore purification of water).

As an example, Reticle can be used in tandem with Zappi mineralization technology (named after the holder of its key patents Dr. Zappi). Zappi technology presently offers a promising prospect for oxidizing and thereby converting all dissolved or entrained organics (biological or not) directly within the water. The oxidation process used by Zappi directly converts all the organics in an inbound water stream into H2O and CO2 (which instantly hydrates to carbonic acid, carbonate, and bicarbonate ions, the latter of which are ionic species that can be directly removed from the water.) Reticle Carbon CDI can thereafter be used to finish the solution by removing the carbonate ions. Zappi is but one of several organic mineralization technologies that can be used in series upstream from Reticle Carbon CDI.

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