Reticle Inc


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reticle carbon applications

water purification treatment
metal recovery production
structural materials
structural materials

Decentralized Deionization for Developing Countries

Removal of pernicious heavy metals is not limited to centralized water utility systems. Quite the contrary, the mandate to remove such metals from water at the point of final consumption is becoming increasingly strict. One of the primary drivers favoring distributed water purification systems is the realization that all water distribution systems in the developing world and even a number of water systems in the developed world have virtually no integrity and are not at all insulated or sanitary. Most major cities of the world have water systems that lack integrity or quality control, are not self-contained, are not free from contamination, and are not free from intrusion by animal, human, and/or industrial wastes. People tap into such systems to "steal" water, and such taps breach the quality control and integrity of the entire system. People in large, poor, polluted cities have literally no control over domestic wastewater or sewage, and industries simply throw water into the sewer or into surface water reservoirs. Water tables in many cities around the world, particularly coastal cities, are high, meaning that pollution enters groundwater that occurs near the surface and thereby pollutes wellwater. In many such venues, original construction quality was very low, and maintenance is poor or nonexistent. Control over agricultural and human waste and dead, dying, or diseased organisms is substandard. It is well known that the primary vehicle of disease in such cities is municipal, surficial, or well water. The only viable solution in such locations is point of use cleanup. To build a world class water system is absolutely out of the question, and the local populace is so insufficiently trained or so disincentivized that they would compromise whatever world-class system that might be built. Reticle Carbon can flourish in such markets because it can be built in small size, sealed, closed, distributed, end use units.

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