Reticle Inc


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about reticle


David J. Schultz, Vice President, Operations

Mr. Schultz is a principal in a boutique energy firm that specializes in niche power and natural gas opportunities and attendant water problems. He has over 20 years of experience in the energy and attendant water industry including senior positions in the power generation and natural gas pipeline industry. In power generation he a held lead positions in the development of over $5 billion of advanced technology gas turbine power generation projects. In the natural gas industry he was key in the development, permitting, and construction of $2.0 billion worth of pipeline expansion projects. Mr. Schultz has worked for a number of the most important players in the industry (SDG&E, PG&E, PanEnergy, Duke Energy, Reliant Energy) on power, gas, and attendant water development projects.

Mr. Schultz holds a B.S. in Political Science from San Diego State University where he also did his graduate studies in the same field. Upon completion of his graduate studies he went to work for San Diego Gas and Electric where he ultimately testified before state and federal agencies regarding rate structures and revenue requirements.

Other team members:

  • Dr. Dale M. Nesbitt, CEO and Cofounder
  • Dr. Carl C. Nesbitt, CTO and Cofounder
  • Dr. Xiaowei Sun, Cofounder
  • Mike Pogue, Chief Financial Officer
  • Dr. Gordon Sparks, Business Development Consultant
  • William A. Hockett, Business Development Consultant

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